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Image by Mudassir Ali





Welcome to the Sovereign Mind module! What’s the difference between a good day and a bad day? Sure, the external events matter, but mostly it’s about the state of our mind. When our mind feels peaceful, everything seems easier to handle—even if circumstances aren’t going our way. This is when you're truly sovereign. In this module, we’ll explore how to cultivate a sovereign and aware state of mind, so you can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and clarity.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be equipped to:

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Recognize your imprints and learn how to free yourself from them.

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Implement daily self-awareness exercises to foster sovereignty.

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Identify and reduce negative information sources in your life.

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Create a Sovereign Evening routine that promotes restful sleep and mental clarity.



Understanding Imprints

You may recall the story of Starr from SOVEREIGN:

Starr is an executive who, like many of us, carried imprints—deeply ingrained beliefs shaped by past experiences. Starr’s belief that she needed to be "twice as good to get half as much" limited her potential and caused anxiety in her professional life. But once she recognized this imprint, she began to challenge it. She realized she didn’t have to hold onto this belief and that she could pursue opportunities she once thought were beyond her. 


Watch this video of Starr briefly sharing her story.

Listen to more of my conversation with Starr in our podcast with Bryant Woods. Listen here.


Imprints are subconscious beliefs, fears, and traumas that shape how we perceive the world and ourselves. We all have them.

Some imprints are positive, neutral, or helpful—but when they limit your growth, harm you, or block your potential, they can hold you back. Understanding and clearing these imprints is a key part of reclaiming mental sovereignty.

How to Recognize Imprints? It Starts With Self-Awareness

In SOVEREIGN, Starr says:

"I’m in a reprogramming battle with myself."


She goes on to explain: 

"Something in me is saying no. This program that I need to be twice as good is the stupidest thing ever, and it’s so toxic. I don’t have to be twice as good. I can be Starr. I can be human." 


When Starr began to see how her limiting belief was controlling her, she took action to confront it and release it.

Starr's Advice:


​"You need to call out the limiting belief, name it, tell the truth about it, and identify the virus. Then you take power away from it. It’s hard, but you have to face it with courage. The worst thing you can do is ignore it, because that gives it power. Shed a light on it and know that it’s not true."


Take some time this week to consider what imprints you have that negatively impact you. We have both positive and negative imprints but it’s the destructive ones that cause us suffering. One imprint we discussed in the first module was the idea of not being good enough. In the second module, we explored imprints like addictions to food/alcohol/busyness etc so as not to feel negative emotions. See how you’ve already started deprogramming these imprints in the last few weeks? 


This week, we’re taking things further. Take some time this week to reflect on the imprints that are holding you back. Starr noticed that she was imprisoning herself in professional roles that were too restrictive and once she saw that imprint was controlling her she decided to abandon it and go for her dreams instead. It was the belief that was keeping her bound - until she became sovereign about it. Your turn.


Journal about the following questions:


  • What fears or beliefs are limiting your potential?

  • What kind of fears show up in your romantic or work relationships?

  • Do you feel insecure in social situations, or fear failure in your work?

  • Think about Starr’s realization: Are there areas in your life where you’re unconsciously imprisoning yourself by following a limiting belief?


Sovereign Mind

In this video I cover some of the science and practical application of a sovereign mind.

This Week's Readings

Read (or reread) Chapter 4 of SOVEREIGN

and the Sovereign Mind E-Book.

Read the Sovereign Mind E-Book

Sovereign Mind Challenge

Self-Awareness Exercise (3 minutes)

One powerful way to build your self-awareness and identify imprints is by practicing this simple 3-minute exercise. You can follow along with the video and then practice it on your own. I recommend doing this exercise at least three times a day:


  • Once in the morning

  • Again after lunch

  • And before bed


By training you to direct your attention inward - instead of always being focused on things outside ourselves (screens, people, distractions), it will help you get in touch with imprints that are keeping you bound - as Starr did. So you can question them - and ultimately move past them. Once you identify these imprints, you can begin to challenge and release them.

Rock Balancing

The Power of Self-Awareness

This exercise also ties into our last module about emotions. Why? It helps you become aware of emotions that might be running beneath the surface. For example, if you’re feeling stressed coming back from work, without self-awareness, you may inadvertently project that stress onto others. But if you’re self-aware, you’ll be able to identify the stress, process it, and take action (move the energy—breathe, meditate, or go for a walk) before it negatively affects others.

Self-Awareness is Key to Success

Use this tool before important events—meetings, conversations, or transitions. Ask yourself:


  • Am I in the optimal state to engage in this next task?

  • Am I emotionally and mentally prepared to handle what’s coming next?


The goal is to increase your awareness of your own state of mind and emotions, so you can make more sovereign choices about how you want to show up.

Meditation Hand Gesture

Reducing Negative or Depleting Inputs

Reducing Negative or Depleting Inputs

Our imprints aren’t just formed by our past—they are constantly being shaped by the information we consume every day: news, social media, podcasts, advertisements, etc. The information we expose ourselves to can have a profound impact on our mental state, just as food affects our bodies. “You are what you eat” is particularly true of our minds. 

Remember this:

Our mind is like a mirror - it reflects back to us what we place in front of it.

What will you choose to feed it?

Boy Checking his Phone

Understanding Information Overload

In today’s world, we are exposed to more than 60,000 GB of information every day. Unlike our ancestors, who processed only a fraction of this amount, we now face constant updates and news cycles that overwhelm our minds. This information overload can lead to anxiety, stress, and trouble sleeping.

The Power of Awareness

To reclaim your sovereignty, you must first recognize how information overload impacts your well-being. One way to do this is by tracking your media consumption through an Information Diary—similar to a food diary, but for your mind. Here's how:


After engaging with news, social media, or a podcast, take a moment to reflect:

  • How did this information make me feel?

  • Did it uplift or deplete me?

  • Was my mind left feeling restless or at peace?


This exercise also cultivates your self-awareness. It will help you recognize patterns in your consumption and pinpoint sources that either nourish or drain your mind. Once you identify these patterns, you will notice that you are no longer a slave to them. You can consciously change what you take in.


As Starr so nicely said: what you become aware of can no longer control you.

You have become sovereign over it.

Challenge: Information Detox

To reduce the negative impacts of information overload, try these strategies:

Limit your news consumption

Limit your news consumption to once a day. Most news is negatively skewed or sensationalized to make sure it gets sufficient clicks. Constant consumption of these kinds of headlines can make you feel anxious and depressed.

Reduce the time you spend on social media

Cut your social media time down by 50% e.g. 30 minutes to 15 minutes per day. There are apps that can help you track and limit screen time.

Consume content that inspires & uplifts you

Spend more time consuming uplifting content that inspires and uplifts you: motivational talks, educational podcasts, or even just engaging in real-world conversations.


Creating a Sovereign Evening Routine

As the day comes to a close, it’s essential to establish a routine that helps clear your mind of the day - much like a shower or bath does. Clearing your mind supports peace, relaxation, and mental clarity. This is where a Sovereign Evening comes in—a dedicated two-hour window before bed when you disconnect from non-beneficial information and engage in calming, uplifting activities.


During your Sovereign Evening, engage in activities that soothe and uplift you:


  • Read an inspiring or relaxing book.

  • Listen to motivational talks or calming music.

  • Incorporate your daily breathing and meditation practice to clear your mind and calm your body.


This routine will help improve your sleep quality and ensure you wake up with a clearer mind. Keep a journal to track how these changes affect both your sleep and your emotional well-being.

My Personal Sovereign Evening Routine

During your Sovereign Evening, engage in activities that soothe and uplift you:


  • Two hours before bed, I turn off my phone and leave it in my office.

  • After the kids are in bed, I spend time with my husband and clean up the kitchen.

  • I take an Epsom salt bath to relax my body. There, I read a book or listen to something inspiring

  • Finally, I meditate for 20 minutes to clear my mind and prepare it for restful sleep.


This routine has been a game changer for me. I go to sleep calm and my mind is clear and peaceful.


A Note about Trauma Imprints

Many imprints are rooted in past trauma—experiences that shape how we respond to the world and affect our body and mind. Some of the strongest imprints in our body - e.g. anxiety of speaking in public or other unexplainable fears - are due to trauma. We all have unique life experiences that can shape how we perceive the world and how our body and psyche react to it. Trauma can significantly influence our emotional and psychological state, sometimes in ways that are hard to recognize. I’ve worked with individuals facing extreme stress and trauma — such as veterans returning from war—and witnessed firsthand how deeply trauma can affect a life.

Healing trauma is not something that typically happens overnight (or in a 6 week online course such as this one), but it’s crucial for regaining mental sovereignty. Most importantly, it is possible. Overcoming trauma is a powerful way to reclaim your sovereignty.

Ways to Heal Trauma


Traditional Psychological Approaches

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and other therapeutic methods can help you understand and heal from trauma. You can consult a clinical psychologist about this.


SKY Breath Meditation

This method has proven (and I’ve seen this firsthand in my research) to be very effective in reducing trauma and anxiety. Learn more about this powerful here. For active military personnel, veterans, and their families, Project Welcome Home Troops offers the SKY Breath course at no charge. My husband (a veteran) and I personally practice the SKY technique daily.


Somatic Practices

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is another trauma-healing technique that has shown positive results. While newer methods like Emotion Code are still being researched, they may also help.

My biggest takeaway: If one modality doesn’t work for you, don’t stop trying. Don’t give up. Your trauma does not control you. You can heal from it. You just have to find the modality that works for you.


This Week’s Sovereignty Training

Daily Practice

Keep up with your daily breathing and meditation practice (ideally first thing in the morning to help set the tone for the day - but really anytime is good. The most important thing is to do it!


  • Breathing exercise

  • Meditation


To reinforce your sovereignty practices, complete the following exercises throughout the week:


  • Self-Awareness Exercise: Practice the 3-minute self-awareness exercise several times a day.

  • Imprint Reflection: Journal about limiting imprints in your life and how they may be holding you back.

  • Low Media Diet: Track your media consumption and reflect on how different sources of information make you feel.Reduce negative or depleting inputs by limiting news and social media consumption.

  • Sovereign Evening Routine: Create a calming evening routine focused on relaxation, reading, and uplifting activities. If you haven’t done your meditation in the morning, do it at night.

  • If You have Trauma: Consider looking into some of the healing modalities mentioned above.


Also remember these from the module on Sovereign Emotions: 

The Pause

When you notice yourself reaching for an unhealthy habit (e.g., food, phone, etc.) during challenging times, pause and get curious about what you're feeling. Instead of engaging in the habit, allow yourself to fully experience the emotion.

Image by Eli DeFaria

Your Mantras


Meet your physical needs (e.g., fresh air, a nourishing snack, or simply crying). Listening to your body is a powerful way to journey through emotions.


Accept your emotions rather than suppress them.

The only way out is through.


Remind yourself that you are not your feelings; you are witnessing them. You are bigger than them.


This mantra helps you observe and experience emotions as energy in your body, encouraging movement through them via creativity, activity, or breathing.

My goal for you is to feel empowered to make conscious choices about how you will take care of and nourish your mind. Reclaiming sovereignty over your mind will help you experience greater peace, clarity, and fulfillment throughout the day. You do not have to be bound and conditioned by your past or the many forms of information coming at you daily. You have a choice. You are sovereign. Notice how, this week, by implementing the practices above, you become more self-aware, peaceful and happier.



To reinforce your learning, please share your insights and experiences. Reflect on the Information Diary, Self-Awareness Exercises, and your new Sovereign Evening Routine. How have these practices impacted your sense of mental sovereignty and overall well-being?

Do you have questions you want Emma to answer in the Live Q & A? Do you have feedback on the course? Please email us at

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